lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

A trading contest by FxOpen… or why are ECN-brokers looking for successful traders?

Is there any way for a successful novice trader to start real-money trading without risking a penny?Yes, there is! FxOpen (a representative of the Ultimate League of Masterforex-V Academy ’s rating of recommended Forex brokers) is looking for successful traders for managing $1000 PAMM accounts through the ECN.
The exclusive offer: Any successful trader can register with FxOpen and apply for the offer that implies managing a $1000 PAMM account. Traders are free to choose any trading system they like. As soon as the trading capital is doubled up to $2000, the broker (FxOpen) expropriates the initial capital, thus leaving the trader with $1000. The trader is free to withdraw the funds or to continue trading. When the capital reaches $5000, the trader gets the right to attract investors in order to boost the trading capital.
For more details on the PAMM offer, please, visitFxOpen’s website!
As you can see, you can become a PAMM manager without risking a penny. Sound great! You don’t need to go through the complicated process of creating a PAMM account as FxOpen will do it for you. You don’t need to spend you own money as FxOpen will deposit $1000 for you. All you need is to be a successful trader!
The following offer will present considerable interest to PAMM investors to be. With this offer, they don’t have to bet on a dark horse or to buy a cat in the sack. They get an opportunity to choose from a variety of successful PAMM investors who have managed to make substantial profits by increasing the trading capital by as much as 500% or more! These guys seem to be worthy of trust. Moreover, FxOpen is ready to provide extra guarantees to secure investors from heavy losses.  In particular, if the company’s experts recognize the trading system in question as “excessively risky” in terms of money management, the agreement will be canceled. Once again, for more details on the PAMM offer, please, visit the Read More page.
The bottom line: Whether you are trader or investor, FxOpen ’s offer looks promising. No more amateurs in Forex trading! Welcome to professional ECN trading!
Market Leader and Masterforex-V Academy would appreciate if you could participate in a survey. Please, visit the Academy’s forum for traders and investors and answer the following question:
 How do you like FxOpen’s offer?

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

Pro.Di.Bur. Inversores 2012

El Instituto Argentino de Mercado de Capitales tiene el agrado de invitarlos a participar de una nueva edición delPro.Di.Bur. para inversores y público general.

Hasta el 13 de mayo, ingresando en Inversores dentro del sitio y seleccionando la opción'Inscripción', Ud. podrá realizar su inscripción al certamen on line en forma rápida y personalizada.

Dentro de los cinco días siguientes al ingreso de sus datos, usted recibirá la notificación de inscripción desde nuestra dirección de correo electrónico, en la que le adjuntaremos su usuario y contraseña

La simulación se llevará a cabo desde el 14 de mayo hasta el 19 de abril.

Mientras tanto podrán navegar por el sitio web, sugerimos la lectura del Reglamento Operativo y su anexo como así también las Bases y Condiciones y acceder al material de capacitación gratuito disponible.